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Bid Recruitment | Bid Perfect Bid Consultancy Services & Recruitment

Much as you wouldn't have a mechanic fix a broken tooth or have your bank manager teach you how to play the piano, you shouldn't leave the writing or management of bids for your company with just ANYONE.

Writing a bid that will win is an art that should be left in the capable hands of the professionals and this time we aren't talking about us! Having a Bid Writer or Bid Manager on your staff can be a real bonus, but knowing where to start in finding the right person to employ can be hard.

Knowing how important it is to find that winning person to join your team, we have a service which will help match bid personnel to the right positions. We have found and recruited exceptional bids and tenders personnel for companies throughout the UK - we locate candidates, carry out pre-screening and interviews and then present only excellent bid recruitments to you.

That's how recruitment should be done!

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We fully comply with all aspects of GDPR and current data protection legislation.

Registered Office: 3 Toli Mill, Bradford Peverell, Dorset. DT2 9SG.

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